Culture of sustainability

L’Hort de L’Alé

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L’Hort de L’Alé

L’hort de l’Alé, declared of Community Interest (September 7, 2015) is a project of the Christian-Marc Olmos Vente Foundation based on the promotion of sustainability in its ecological (certified by the CAECV),ethnological (museum of the raisin) and solidary (support for the integration of people with disabilities and social action) facets. It includes among its elements restored buildings of the nineteenth century (Riu-Rau rural house) and one of the few raisin stoves in the province of Alicante, in addition to 40 varieties of fruit trees, predominantly the mandarin tree, and areas of aromatic and wild food herbs. Visits to L’hort de l’Alé

L’Hort de L’Alé reflects in its name the essence of the Christian-Marc Olmos vente Foundation: “Make life your prayer”.

L’Aléin English “the breath”, represents gratitude and respect for the best we have been given: life itself.

The “7 Fables of L’Alé” are based on real experiences of lizards, badgers, birds, bees, trees, insects… that coexist in a harmonious environment. They are written with respect for sustainable nature and with a positive educational philosophy. ( Download pdf )

Orange Volunteer Day

De izquierda a derecha: Alvaro de Luna, Jose Luis Domenech, Pascual Olmos y Juan Antonio Corbalán
Voluntariado Naranja 2018
Voluntariado Naranja 2018
Voluntariado Naranja 2018
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Since 2013, the Christian-Marc Olmos Vente Foundation organises yearly the Orange Volunteer Day in which volunteers from non-profit entities of the Marina Alta, such as Cruz Roja from Jávea and Pedreguer and Cáritas Dénia, together with volunteers from the Foundation itself, collect part of the harvest of ecological mandarines from L’Hort de L’Alé in order to deliver them to the users such entities: disadvantaged people. This action is framed within the Foundation’s objectives of sustainability and solidarity, and more than 15,000 kilos of mandarines have already been delivered since its inception.

Temps de Pansa (Raisin time)

Through collaboration between the local office of Culture of the Council of Dénia and the Christian-Marc Olmos Vente Foundation, L’Hort de L’Alé participates since 2016, in its facet of support for sustainability and ethnology, in the TEMPS de PANSA (Raisin time) program, spreading the culture of the raisin-elaboration process. This annual cycle is celebrated every September in the Ethnographic Museum of Dénia by the hand of its director Josep Gisbert.

L’hort de L’Alé reconocido como socio de Honor de la asociación Riuraus Vius

A paradise in front of the sea of cement.